my little words for u guys...

hallu hallu hallu, what up? welcome to my blog. it is real story about me. never been fake cause i hate fake. totally if a person try to be fake. urgh disgusting. this blog just not only story about me but story of my besties, okay. sorry cakap english. aku anak malaysia...

aku tau aku ta perfect and FYI nobody perfect pon kat dunia nie, so to the haters, kalau agak-agak benci or menjengkelkan membace post aku, u guys just grouse (teruk) sebab nak bace jugak. but tapi jangan lah nak bising-bising plak. grrr...

to those yang really nice people, hope korng still be nice till the world ends... follow la blog ini. and akan dihormati dan dikasihani. heeee


Wednesday 9 January 2013


Hey, since I discovered that, so many people know IAMNEETA, and they also cause people visit this blog. So this entry is about IAMNEETA again. Sorry, kali ni tidak ada update yang macam sebelum ni. Sebab, dah lama tak interact dengan iamneeta dekat fb/twitter tu... Sebelum spm, berie bagai 'rapatnya' dengan band tu, tapi lepas spm ni, heh, sama macam peminat yang lain... As you guys already know, lagu latest band ni (latest la sangat) sudah 2 bulan lagu ni ada dekat YOUTUBE. Aku gerenti korang pun dah tengok music video Terima Kasih. Ye, saya lambat sangat nak update nya. hehe. 

already watched many times... they soooo cute... lagi lagi anas... wah... for their latest perfomance, better korang check it out sosial web diorang. fb/twitter or kat NAR. information here.

here's some pics yang aku ambil dari Iamneeta punye social web.. :*

That's all for now... Check my older entry to find out about them. Check out their social webside for more pics. Heart this band so much... Good luck IAMNEETA for 2013. Can't wait for Jatuh Cinta and Mary me... Hope this year I can meet them... urghh. okay then, see ya...

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